Pushquantum Hackathon 2024

What is the Pushquantum Hackathon about?

The objective of the Hackathon is to connect students and companies through interesting challenges. Over the exciting weekend, we want to bring together many quantum enthusiasts from different countries and universities and support them in working out innovative solutions in a productive environment. The hacking will be framed by informative opening lectures, lab tours and company fairs, as well as, of course, joint network times. In order to establish close links to real-worl problems, we are looking for companies to support us at the event and thus also have the opportunity to present their challenges and access a great pool of young talents.

Key facts

Our Partners

TUM Venture Labs Quantum

TUM Venture Labs is a joint initiative of UnternehmerTUM and the Technical University of Munich (TUM), which combines a network of subject-specific incubators that serve as a springboard for entrepreneurship in the fields of deep tech and life sciences. Their mission is to support start-ups from the initial idea to investor readiness. As the hub for physics and electrical engineering-based ventures, the TUM Venture Lab Quantum provides the support to create a successful start-up in this deep tech field, from access to our network of academic and industrial experts to lab infrastructure.

Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology

The Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST) is a Cluster of Excellence funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). It brings together over 60 research groups with over 500 scientists from various disciplines to collaborate on an ambitious research program covering all fields of quantum science and technology (QST). Its mission is to build a world leading research center for quantum science and technology. The goal is to discover and understand the novel and unifying concepts of QST, making them tangible and practical for the development of next generation quantum devices. In addition to sustained annual funding for its members, MCQST offers several support programs for early-career researchers on all career levels.

Munich Quantum Valey

Munich Quantum Valley (MQV) promotes quantum science and quantum technologies in Bavaria with the primary goal of developing and operating competitive quantum computers. It connects research, industry, funders, and the public:
MQV promotes an ecient knowledge transfer from research to industry, establishes a network with international reach and provides educational oers for schools, universities and companies. MQV is supported by the Bavarian state government with funds from the Hightech Agenda Bayern.


29. Nov. 2024

10:00-13:00 - Arrival at Garching Forschungszentrum

  • Time slot for arrival

13:00-14:00 - Tips & Tricks of Quantum Information Processing

  • Short introduction to Quantum Information Processing by a local professor, such as Prof. Ignacio Cirac or Prof. Christian Mendl
  • Covers basic knowledge and relevant ideas for hacking, as well as placing it in the science/industry context to emphasize its importance

14:00-15:00 - Panel Discussion

  • Why should you care about Quantum?
  • Different stakeholders participate to shed light on dierent points of view (academia, industry, startup, ...)

15:00-17:00 - Quantum Company Fair

  • Exhibition moment for partners and sponsors
  • Open event, not only for the participants of the Hackathon: students and doctoral candidates in TUM and LMU will be invited

15:00-16:30 - Lab Tours

  • Tours through selected labs, e.g. Filipp Group, Rempe Group, Mueller/Poot Group - limited spots

16:30-17:00 - Coffee Break

17:00-19:30 - Hackathon Opening & Challenges

  • Opening Presentation PushQuantum and partners
  • Companies introduce themselves to the whole audience of participants and guests
  • Brief introduction to the challenges

21:00 - Campus Pub Night

  • After an informative day, end the evening relaxing in a pub together while getting to know each other to get the teams together

00:00 - Deadline for Specifying the Teams

30. Nov. 2024

08:30-09:30 - Joint Breakfast

9:30-10:30 - Challenge Kick-off

  • Teams are separated into various challenges. Companies introduce challenges in detail, with all the necessary tools to solve them.

10:30 - Start of Hacking

  • Hacking goes on for about 24 hours. Meals and snacks are provided meanwhile, including breakfast the following day.
  • Companies representatives, at their discretion, may offer support and advice about their challenge

1. Dec. 2024

10:30 - Solution submission

11:00 - 13:00 - Presentations

  • within each challenge, the teams present their solution

13:00 - 14:00 - Lunch

  • meanwhile, each company selects a winner for their challenge

14:00 - 15:30 - Award Ceremony

  • Best team within each challenge present their solution & offcial closing of the event

15:30 - Networking with Open End
